I write to you today, from sunny Mesa, Arizona. As I lay back in my chair, blue sky and palm trees are all that I see, and snow is a distant memory.
Today is my last official day employed. I have been on vacation leave since I left my job on January 31st. A few things have become more apparent since I last wrote to you.
First, I am not retired; I am restructuring my work and life in exciting ways. My connection to my core intentions around my private practice, and who I’m serving is only getting stronger.
In short – I am in a growth spurt. My business has a heartbeat, and I feel more motivated than ever to keep expanding.
For the three weeks before this vacation, I showed up at my home office every day. I’ve found a new rhythm and routine to my days. I’ve enjoyed a constant stream of clients without setting new marketing plans in motion.
I take this all as an affirmation of my decision-making at this juncture of my career. It is also evidence that I’m living out a plan.
I smiled as I wrote that last sentence. I remain amazed by the reliability of the results you achieve from painfully honest and well-informed decision-making. Choices that take into account everything that is true for you.
And the power of creating a plan broken down into a series of actionable steps that you actually take. Big change happens in baby steps, over time. Sometimes slow and steady is what it takes to win the race.
The seamless transition I’m experiencing isn’t accidental. When I said yes to employment many years ago, it was conditional upon still having space to keep my business running. It takes a lot of work to set up and sustain a viable self-employed practice.
While breaking new ground in the career coaching field through my employment, I kept building my private practice. One endeavour served the other and my bigger vision that I’m living out today.
Now it’s like I have a car I’ve kept plugged in the garage and protected from the elements. I’ve properly maintained it, and it is charged up and ready to drive. But I am taking some time out to plot my path before I push the gas pedal to the floor.
Practically speaking, I need to make friends with the idea of marketing. Like many of you, I have some old ideas about “selling myself” that creates significant discomfort.
Frankly, I need support not to let my fears and limiting beliefs stunt my growth. I’m following my own advice, and I’m getting some help to give me a boost with my business building.
I reconnected with my mentor Kathy Caprino and discovered she is leading a mastermind group for women entrepreneurs that starts mid-March. Perfect timing, and just what I need to stay accountable and step up my game.
I am vowing to get even more intentional about my message and who I want to reach. If you are reading this post, you are one of my tribe.
I thank you for staying with me, and I’ll keep reporting back as the adventure unfolds. I know many of you are in transition too, and I always love to hear from you. Story developing friends, and I am enjoying the view.