“A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
So what to do now that you are clear and committed to move forward with your goal. It’s time to design a map to reach your goal. In this stage, we need to create a plan to make your vision a reality. Now you’re clear about what you want and why, it’s now time to design your personal strategic plan to achieve what you want to happen.
How to boost your chances of success? First, make sure your goal is SMART. What does SMART stand for?
Specific and stated in the positive – what exactly to you want to create?
Measureable – how will you know when you get there? What will be different?
Achievable– is this goal within your control? Something you can change?
Realistic and relevant– is this goal a priority and aligned with your bigger vision and values?
Timed and trackable– how will you track progress and completion?
If your goal passes the SMART test, it is time to create plan to achieve your goal. It is important to put it in writing and be accountable for following through. Research shows the chances of following through on your goal rises significantly if you simply write it down. If you answer the following questions you will cover the basic design elements you need to create your plan and strategy. Once you have your planning content you can put it in whatever format that works for you.
- What is your top goal for the next three months? (Make sure it is a SMART goal)
- How important is this goal on a scale of 1 -10? (Be honest)
- Understand why IT matters: Why do you want this goal? What are the benefits to you of completing this goal? What are the benefits to you? What are the benefits to others?
- Obstacles: What obstacles do you face? Where will you get in your own way? What’s in it for you not to succeed?
- How will you achieve this goal?
- What strengths, experiences, skills do you already have you can leverage to reach this goal?
- When will you achieve it by?
- What resources and supports can you access to support you in reaching your goal?
- What and how can you prove you have reached your goal?
Now What? Your intentions become real when you take a first step. This is the real test of your commitment.
So, what THREE things will you do for your goal in the next 30 days? Write out just THREE actions that you will complete towards your goal in the NEXT MONTH. This is the FIRST STEP. Break the action down into a smaller step or action until you can commit 100%. If you want to do more than one action, great, but there must be a minimum of THREE.
Action ____________________________________by ___________________________
Action ____________________________________by ___________________________
Action ____________________________________by ___________________________
And finally, what ONE action will I start tomorrow? _______________________
The next blog will focus on Stage 4 – going live and taking action!
“Goals are just dreams with deadlines”
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